Saturday, 2 August 2008

One thing I love about this country..

And there I was, waiting to cross in the lights on my way back from the supermarket, my daily journey, when I sow something that capture all my attention. Actually, it wasn't the first time that something like this happened and this is what I love about people, their capacity to help and be available to others. Anyhow..

This old lady was coming from a street, walking in the road with her dog when the little one decided do make a run and meet some of his equals, in the other side of the road. I could only hear screeaming and shouting and car breaks. What happened was, the owners of the other dogs stopped in front of the cars so they couldn't hit the poor dog. One other car pool over and helped the old lady. After a little while they where together again and everything went back to normal. But I couldn't stop thinking about the way the two ladies went to the road, stopped in front of the cars risking their lifes, and the other car stopping whithout warning and signal. I was watching this from a distance but I was so amazed, and happy.

It came to my mind that this is one thing I love about this country, this respect and love for animals. I don't see abandoned animals in the street, don't see people harming their animals and for what I know, even in parks animals are treated with love and devotion.

Today I feel very happy to be where I am.

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